How I Built A Profitable Invention in 3 Easy To Understand Steps and Grew It Into a Multi-Million Dollar Business

(and how you can do it, even if you've never built anything before)


November 30th, 8:00 PM EST

I'm going to show you...

  • How to secure the safety of your product without spending thousands of dollars on a full patent, while protecting it in less than 30 days and for less than $100.

  • How to build your product from start to finish in record time, avoiding the common mistakes and pitfalls that happen along the way.

  • How to avoid the scammers and giving up a large percentage of your idea to the traditional invention help companies by knowing exactly what to look for and which questions to ask.

  • The #1 mistake most aspiring inventors make that could cost them years in delays and thousands of dollars flushed down the toilet...and how you can avoid it.

  • The truth behind licensing your product and what it means for you and your idea, and what to consider when deciding whether or not to license your product. And So Much More...

  • How to get all of this done without outside funding, head spinning technology or by combing through the endless search results on Google.

Who is Donteacia?

Donteacia Seymore is an American inventor and award winning innovation strategist.

As the founder of Creation Nation™, a remote invention development firm, she works with aspiring inventors to build their inventions while they retain 100% ownership of their intellectual property.

Donteacia built her first invention 10 years ago, growing it to a multiple 7 figure business and she has helped over 1,500 inventors bring their products to life and raise over $1M for their amazing ideas.

As a writer, public speaker, and innovation enthusiast, Donteacia is inspiring a new generation of inventors to be bold and disruptive...and to do it on their own terms. 

Host: Donteacia Seymore

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